Architect & Urban Planner
School of Architecture & Urban Planning:: FAU-UFBA. Salvador - Bahia | Brazil. 2003.
Master's Degree in Architecture & Urban Planning
Graduate Program in Architecture & Urban Planning:: PPGAU-UFF. Niterói - RJ | Brazil. 2008.
Specialist in Software Engineering
General Assembly. Boston - MA | USA. 2017.
Consultant & Senior Instructor in Design | SEBRAE
SEBRAE - Brazilian Service of Support to Small and Micro Enterprises. Goiânia - Goiás | Brazil. 2005.
Honorary Member | Designer Club
CEM - Central of Furniture Excellence | Group Moveis de Valor. Arapongas - Paraná | Brazil. 2004.
Visiting Professor - Bachelor in Design | UFG
Federal University of Goiás | School of Visual Arts. Goiânia - Goiás | Brazil. 2004.
Visiting Professor - Bachelor in Design | UCG
Catholic University of Goiás. Goiânia - Goiás | Brazil. 2003